December Daily: Day Four & Day Five

Here the next few Days that I've been documenting as part of December Daily 2014.  

Day 4: Meet up with all our friends at Mother's Group down at Mt Cotton, alot of fun catching up and of course we needed a group photo of all the cute babies.  Bianca is the youngest in the group.

At home, Bianca has decided that she no longer wants to have her day time naps in the cot and consequently will fall asleep anywhere else but the cot. The top photo she is sitting in her swing with her eyes partially open as if to say "I'm not tired Mummy"  yeah right, she fell asleep shortly thereafter.  Bianca loves to be up on the bench as she watches me cook or do anything in the kitchen, once again it was her nap time and she was refusing to go down.  I turned my back to stack the dishwasher and when I turned around she was asleep in her Bumbo, I guess cooking with Mummy can be exhausting.  She was then transported to her cot.



December Daily 2014-005

Day 5: We were house bound this day, so it was a play day; playing peek a boo is one of her favorite games and she loves reading her books.

Stay tuned for more December Daily Activities



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