Doors Closing for Club Create

Doors Closing to Club Create

What began in May 2020 as a way to service my non local customers and those unable to attend my monthly classes has turned into a great success, more than I ever imagined.

And I thank you all for your continue support towards my small business.

With the school holidays approching and growing popularity of Club Create program, I’ve decided to close the doors at the end of November 2020 and reopen again in February 2021. If you’ve been sitting on the fence about join Club Create program and this is the time to join.

What is Club Create

Club Create is an online class including supplies (excluding stamp set and ink). Each kit will include:

  • Supplies to create 4-6 cards each month
  • Online Class includes a video tutorial for each project along with tips and tricks
  • PDF handout with meaurements, supply lists, and step-by-step written instructions for each project
  • $20 of Stampin’ Up! product.

Total value $62, but all you pay is $37 monthly plus shipping.

Join now and don’t miss out on Decembers class kit. Join Club Create TODAY!!!

Reminder Doors Close 30 November 2020.

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