Only Four Days Left of Sale-A-Bration 2017!
With just four days left of Sale-A-Bration 2017, there is still time to get your orders in but NO time to waste making sure you have everything you need. In this post I talked about what things you might want to stock up on during Sale-A-Bration – things that you will likely use throughout the year and by purchasing during Sale-A-Bration will get you freebies galore.
Sale-A-Bration is also a great time to treat yourself to those items you are thinking about replacing or ones that are high dollar – by purchasing during Sale-A-Bration you can feel a little better about spending money because you are getting free product with your purchases making those dollars go further. I mentioned things like the Big Shot and the entire marker set in the Stock Up post.
But have you checked all your punches? They DO get dull with years of use and some of the classics, like the circles, ovals, etc. can start to stick or give you fuzzy edges if you are a punch fanatic like I am. If you have the old “whale tale” style, now might be a good time to upgrade to the flat, locking and stackable punches.
Do you do a ton of memory keeping? I know I panic when I see my page supply, and project life cards get low. Order in plenty of pages and even albums if you know how many you are going to need to record all the memories for the photos you have already is smart thinking and……..yup……..gets you goodies for free!
So go check your inventory levels, take a good hard look at your tools and figure out what projects you KNOW you will be working on. And then get on over here and place your order so you can get in on the last days of Sale-A-Bration 2017!